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Demystifying Dynamic Routing and Static Generation in Next.js

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Hai Eigh
Hai Eigh

Next.js, a powerful React framework, provides a flexible approach to routing and content generation for web applications. In this post, we'll explore two key concepts: Dynamic Routing and Static Generation, and understand how they can supercharge your web development experience.

Dynamic Routing

Dynamic routing in Next.js allows you to handle routes that depend on specific data, such as blog posts or product pages. Here are some important points to remember:

  • File System Routing: Next.js uses a file system-based routing approach. You can create pages by adding JavaScript files to the pages directory, making it intuitive and organized.

  • Dynamic Parameters: You can use brackets [] to define dynamic parts in the URL. For example, /products/[id] can match URLs like /products/1 and /products/2.

  • getServerSideProps: To fetch data for dynamic routes, you can use getServerSideProps. This function runs on the server for every incoming request, providing fresh data each time.

  • getStaticProps: For data that doesn't change often, you can use getStaticProps. It generates static HTML at build time, resulting in faster page loads.

Static Generation

Static Generation is the process of pre-rendering your pages as static HTML files. Key points to consider:

  • Performance: Static Generation creates high-performance pages that load quickly, as they are pre-rendered.

  • Incremental Static Regeneration: Next.js also supports ISR, which allows you to re-generate pages on-demand without a full rebuild, making it perfect for frequently updated content.

  • Paths and Data: You can specify paths and data using getStaticPaths and getStaticProps. This gives you fine-grained control over which pages to pre-render.

  • Hydration: Once the static HTML loads, client-side JavaScript takes over to enable interactivity and dynamic behavior.

When to Use Which?

  • Static Generation: Use it when your content doesn't change frequently and you want super-fast loading times. Ideal for blogs, product pages, and marketing sites.

  • Dynamic Routing: Choose dynamic routing when you need to fetch data on each request or when your content frequently changes. Great for personalized user experiences.


Next.js provides a powerful toolbox for web developers, and understanding the concepts of Dynamic Routing and Static Generation is essential. By using these strategies effectively, you can create high-performance web applications that offer the best user experiences.

Happy coding!